Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

FEIDAT, JANUARY 4, 1935. ELMIRA STAR -GAZETTE Missing Youth Pastor 23 Years Are Officers of German Church Society I'll PAGE FOURTEEN. Masonic Club Doors Closed By Governors Board Postpones Annual Meeting Until Reorganization Can Be Effected Financial Difficulties Agent Claims Coal Truck's Weight Short Donahue Charges Discrepancy in Truck's We-Uht Minus Driver Latks S25 Fine. Ts Jailed Police Unable To Locate Boy Who Ran Away Missing High School Youth Leaves Note Was Ward of Children's Home May Be in New York City Rev. Cornwell To Be Honored At Reception Annual New Year's Reception Marks 23rd Anniversary of Pastorate To Be Held Sunday Afternoon I KwlmwnwAil JEW.

wm HARRY OLLEX BARTRON REV. ALBERT G. CORNWELL The annual New Year's receptiow of The Park Church, which also marks the 23rd anniversary of the Rev. Albert G. Com well's pastorate will be held in the church lecture room from 4 to 6 p.

m. Sunday. In the receiving line will be Mr. and Mrs. Cornwell, Mj.

and Mrs. Leslie D. Clute, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B.

Gridley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shoemaker. An instrumental trio consisting of Talitha Botsford, violinist; Ruth Peckhaxn.

'cellist and Kathryn S. Catlin, pianist, will play. Mrs. Clarence E. Huntley, soprano, will sing, and Henry B.

Collin will entertain with flute solos. Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers, Mrs. Jesse C.

Scobey, Mrs. Edward K. Tidd and Mrs. Mabel P. Knight will preside at the tea table.

Served with Eastman The Rev. Mr. Cornwell came to The Park Church Jan. 1, 1912, and until 1917 served as associate pastor with the late Rev. Samuel E.

Eastman, D.D. In that year Doctor Eastman was made pastor blue trousers, a red skating cap and brown shoes. He left without anv other clothing. State and Elmira police are assisting Elmira Heights authorities in the search. After arresting a Shamokin, coal trucker for violation of state weighmastei' certificate requirements, Dennis H.

Donahue, field agent for the cna! code authority, accused him of giving short weights and issued a warning to Elmirans. Mr. Donahue declared weight slips he took from the trucker showed he had delivered two tons of coal in that were hort 500 pound. He said: "Customers don't know they're being trimmed through practices used by eome nu: of town truckers." The truckrr, Kcimil Henniger. 30, Shamokin, pleaded guilty in Recorder's Com- Friday to violating provisions of the Agriculture and Market law.

Fined $25, Henniger was unable to pay and went to the county jail. According to Mr. Donahue, the truck had a gross weights of 18.075 pounds when weighed Waverly. Two tone, or 4 orr pounds, were delivered in Elmira Thursday. The resulting weicht should have been 14,075 pounds but was actually 14,660 when weighed in Elmira, Mr.

Donahue said. Classified Ads Krir.ff Result After investigating for 24 houre, police reported Friday afternoon that they had failed to locate 17-year-old Harrv Bartron, ward of the Southern Tier Children's Home, who lived with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Sherman of 221 Robinwood Avenue, Elmira Heights. The boy, a junior at the Thomas A.

Edison High School, disappeared during the noon hour Thursday after handing a note to a schoolmate. The ncte said he was going away and would communicate with friends in Elmira Heights within a month. It also asked the fellow student to notify Mrs. Clifford Ford of 209 West Tenth Street, and his mother of his departure. Mrs.

Ford is superintendent of St. John's Church school, where young Bartron was a teacher. The Shermans, with whom the boy had lived for some time, were unable to explain his act. They said he had appeared in the best of spirits and well satisfied with his livine conditions. Police were informed that he might have gone to New York City to visit relatives.

Young Bartron has light hair, weighs about 130 pounds and is five feet, four and a half inches in height. When last seen he was wearing a black leather coat, dark Orchestra to Play When School Opens The newly organized Riverside Church school orchestra will play Sunday at 10 o'clock in connection with the opening exercise of the church school. Clyde Bouton, a member of the Elmira Symphony Orchestra, is the director. The personnel is as follows: Piano, Rich Historical Society Will Meet Feb. 7 The doors of the Masonic Club are to be closed at 8 o'clock Saturday morning and are to remain closed until a reorganization of the club is effected.

Notice to this effect was posted on the club bulletin board Friday by order of the club board of governors. The annual meeting of the Masonic Club members was scheduled to be held Saturday night at 8 o'clock. President Stephen B. Kistler said that the annual club meeting would be postponed indefinitely. Some members of the club say that the annual meeting cannot be thus deferred, inasmuch as about half the members have been officially notified that such a meeting is to be held and also that the club constitution provides for an annual meeting on the first Saturday in January of each year.

Petition Circulated A petition is being circulated which 100 or more Masons have signed stating that they are interested in having a club and in ways and means to mantiain one. This petition has been signed by club members, former members and other Masons who expressed interest. Some of the club members, it is said, may meet and hold a club meeting Saturday night. The club rooms will be locked, but the audi OPTICKRS of one of the city's most active ladies' aid societies. These women, identified with the group at German Evangelical Church, are, seated, from the left: Mrs.

Fred Geisa, Mrs. Charles Geisa, Mrs. Leon Hazen. Standing: Mrs. G.

Wolfe, Mrs. George Myer and Mrs. William Bisseli. City's Departments Are Making Inventory for Budget Purposes ard Shaw; violins, Misses Harriett Gelatt, Tecla Kingsley and Caroline Decker, Donald Kreisler, Frederick A meeting of the Chemung County Historical Society, originally scheduled for Thursday, has been postponed to Thursday, Feb. 7.

Officers will be elected and Harry M. Beardsley. goneral manager of the Elmira Water Board, will read a paper on the water work's history. Graves; saxophone. Robert Thomas; trombone, William Tupper; clarinet, Jack Harrington; trumpets, Gordon emeritus.

The New Year's reception of The Park Church is an institution more than 50 years old. Since Mr. Corn-well has served the church, it has a double significance because it is Graves, Robert Camp Jr. '35 budget. The budget preparation work, now under way, calls for the listing of necessary expenditures first, then needed items that might be postponed.

Edgcomb's Start The New Year With a Series of held on the first Sunday of each year, the pastor's anniversary. Mr. Cornwell has had a most successful pastorate. Church activities and membership have increased steadily in the last 23 years. Mr.

Cornwell is also prominently identified with the city's civic and social life. He was one of the pioneers in Elmira's city manager movement and is now a member of the City Charter Commission. He is a member of the Rotary Club and the Association of Commerce, and is vieepresident of the Elmira Area, Boy Scout Council. He also is a member of the execu It's inventory time in the official life of Elmira. Ci'y Manager Florence J.

Sullivan Friday sent notices to heads of all departments to complete their annual inventories as soon as possible. Many of the departments have completed the task already, according to the City Manager, but a full inventory of all city equipment is desired to aid in compiling the 1935 city budget. Stock of the various department? will be checked against contemplated purchases and included in estimates. Mr. Sullivan also requested department heads to submit their annual reports not later than Feb.

1. Several departments are now clearing up December activities, preliminary to tackling the year's Inventory by city departments calls for a full count of all materials, including all articles, furniture, supplies, etc. With a complete picture of the size, age and condition of city belongings, City Manager Sullivan aims for a sound planning program in arranging these details of the F3 1 olH i. ii. ill llU.iii Country Club Hears Fiscal Plan Tonight Members to Consider Program to Raise S3.

500 Necessary to Avoid Mortgage Foreclosure Fch. 1 tive board of the Elmira Symphony Orchestra. Instituted Forums The famous Park Church For ums were instituted by Mr. Corn- well more than 20 years ago. International figures in governmen A New Deal For Your 1935 Dollar tal and social progress and music torium of the Temple may be made available fo'r the session.

The action of the governors was taken because of an accumulating debt for rent now amounting to about $3,600. The club membership has dwindled during recent years to the point where current expenses could not be met. About a month ago at a special meeting the club dues were raised form $6 to $9 a year. Resignations began coming in so fast that at the higher rate the club income promised to be even lese than before. In face of this condition the governors decided to close the club.

34 Years Old The Masonic Club was organized in 1900 and its rooms in the Temple were opened on Feb. 22, 1900. The Rev. A. Cameron MacKenzie, then president of Elmira College, was the first president, and Harry M.

Clarke was secretary. At one time the club had 1,000 members and had reserve funds. During the last 15 years the membership and income have decreased slowly but steadily. A reorganization of the club will be speedily effected, say those interested, and the club rooms soon will be reopened. have appear.ed at the forum ses sions.

i-QN "ill The committee on arrangements for the reception and anniversary program follows: Mr. and Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, chairmen; Mr. 3.35 -rr, i i Edgcomb's start the ball rolling for January with a smashing clearance of hundreds of items in fine furniture.

We have rounded up items in all departments and reduced each to one low price Come tomorrow and see what 1935 has in store for you. and Mrs. Paul Beede, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.

Bonnar, Mr. and Mrs. A large crowd is expected to attend the general meeting of Elmira Golf and Country Club members Friday at 8 p. m. when a plan will be outlined to solve the club's financial difficulties.

Former as well as present members of the club are invited to the meeting, Leslie D. Clute, president, announces. The club directors met early in J. Herbert Brand, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry B. Collin, Mr. and Mrs. Cortland H. Decker, Mr.

and Mrs-. 'I. l.e? I Li Ml ii Bovce M. Edens, Mr. and Mrs Philip F.

Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VFW to Have Bonus Rally Here Sunday Buy the Suite and Each Piece Will Cost N. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs.

Donald C. the week and developed a program C. which will be presented at the Hawkes, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jameson.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. membership meeting. Details were Jeffers, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Osgood 135 Pitcher. Mr. and Mrs.

Francis A. Richmond, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.

Allen H. Wattles, Mr. and Mrs. A. William Yungs-trom.

Following the reception will be an informal Communion service. not announced. The most important phase of the program will be the raising of $3,500 before Feb. 1 to meet an obligation with the Elmira Savings Bank to avoid a mortgage foreclosure. The $3,500 will cover interest on the mortgage, taxes, insurance premntns and court costs in the foreclosure action which was started several weeks ago.

8 Installations Held This Month By Odd Fellows Winthrop Desk Regularly $27.50. druw sep-Dentine front, in combination ma- irttranv Ailtnmntir slides. While they 19.35 A sofa for los than the price of a chair. Regularly, chair, $19.50, sofa, $39.50. Take the two for S3S.70.

4 outfits only in assorted colors. Construction guaranteed. last. tomorrow A bonus rally, in support of the nationa.l campaign for immediate cash payment of adjusted service certificates, will be sponsored by Rex Field Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, at 3 p. m.

Sunday. Post headquarters at 10S Lake Street will be the scene of the rally, open to interested Elmirans, as well as members and the Auxiliary. Payment of bonus, supported by the VFW for several years, would distribute about in cash to approximately three and half million World War veterans. William H. Gannon of Walton, assistant chief of staff of the New York Department and past commander of the Southern Tier County Council, will speak.

Refreshments will be served. Rabbi Samuels Will Speak on 'Mezuzah' Rabbi A. S. Samuels will resume his series of lectures on the "Laws and Customs of the Jewish Religion" at 8 p. m.

today at the Orchard Street Synagogue. For the last four weeks the Rabbi has talked on seasonal and timely subjects. Friday night's talk will be on "Nezuzah." the "scroll on the door post." The Rabbi will conduct a service based on Chapter 6 of Exodus, which is a part of the Cousins, Executor, Will Share Estate The estate of Mrs. Eva J. Raw-son, valued at less than $2,000 in personal property, will be divided among three cousins and the executor, Jackson R.

Shoemaker, under terms of the will which has been admitted to probate in Surrogate's Court. Mrs. Flossie Wicker of Kingston receives $300. Rissie Barber of ErinEfhamton $1,000, and Pearl Wise of Anhurn, $500. The remainder goes to Mr.

Shoemaker. Installation dates for eight IOOF lodges of Elmira and vicinity were announced Friday by District Deputy Grand Master William H. Allen. They follow: Jan. 4, Victory Lodge, Wells-burg; Jan.

5, Charles G. Fairman Lodge, Pine City; Jan. 7, Southern Tier Lodge, Elmira; Jan. 8, Van Etten Lodge; Jan. 10, Chemung Valley Lodge, Horseheads; Jan.

15, Donau Lodge, Elmira; Jan. 18, Queen City Lodge, Elmira; Jan. 21, Oak Ridge Lodge, Elmira Heights. The installation of the Fairman Lodge of Pine City will be public and the others will be closed. The Chemung Valley Lodge officers "will be installed by E.

J. Larson and etaff from Bradford County, Pa. Vanity, Chest or Bed Elmiran to Take West Point Test T( rnll) tSSm -iJ Bed OutSt iOtW 'Brr rrsS 3 pieces, including Panel Bed. BI.AZE IN TROl.LEV CAR A minor blaze in a trolley car at Roe and College Avenues was extinguished by firemen at 10:35 a. m.

Friday. The fire originated from a short circuit in the motor cable. Firemen used one hand extinguisher. Alphonse Ambrose. 1001 Caton Avenue, collided on Pennsylvania Avenue near South Avenue.

Mrs. Norman was treated by Dr. H. W. Fudge and taken to the Arnot-Ogden Hospital.

Passenger Bruised When Cars Collide Despite the dangerous road conditions in county and city, only one automobile accident was reported Thursday night. Mrs. Lena M. Norman of 502 South William Street, was bruised about 7:30 p. m.

Thursday when cars driven by her husband and John D. Byrne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Byrne of 411 Phoenix Avenue, has been designated by the War Department as a candidate to take entrance examinations to West Point.

He is a graduate of St. Mary's Parochial School and the Southside High School. I Part elt mattress. 4 rfri JO-rJ t-iMT! Regulation sizes. U.U tHli -'Tf Worth up to $24.50 Curley Inaugurated Bay State Governor Boston (AP James M.

Curley took the oath of office yesterday as the Bay State's 52nd governor and in his inaugural address proposed sweeping legislative changes. The inaugural ceremony itself was without precedent in the history of the state, for owing to a filibuster which prevented organization of the Senate, the Choice of large Vanity, Chest of Draws or full size Bed. Exactly natched pieces in combination walnut suite. Sells regularly at $79.50. Quantities are limited.

Buy one or three tomorrow at $19.35 each. Recreation Leaders in Class Performance it oath of office was administered ny the Secretarv of State, Frederic W. 5 I Moth Inmranrr f'nitryi See our 1935 Window Cook. Ordinarily, the oath is administered by the President of the Senate. Cedar Chest Walnut Chests, rdir lined.

42 and 45 inches. With mvh proof 19.35 insurance. Left over from Christmas. Including values to $29.00 STUDIO COUCH Russians Will Observe Feast Celebrate Christmas Date of Julian Calendar II ti ii i Hair Innersnrinq sinsrle. Usuallv $27 50.

Make beds. full size or spparate twi ull size or spparate twin Not felt but hair ann springs that will hold un for vmrs Cov- ioice of Innerspring mattress. Ch rust or green coverings oinrl in r-. -i i To- -Xfi proof A. C.

A. tick- 19.35 morrow special -4 ing. Regularly $33.50 Room Size Rugs Get On The 1935 Bandwagon With In accordance with the Julian calendar, the churches of the Eastern Orthodox Faith will celebrate Christmas Jan. 7. The Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in ETmira Heights will observe the holiday with Christmas Eve services at :30 m.

Sunday. Monday, Christmas Day, Divine Liturgy will be held at 9 a. m. with Vespers at 4 p. m.

Christmas Eve. the Club will present tableaus from the Nativity in the church hall. The cast of characters follows: MaTy, Mother of Jesus, Anne Dubiak; Joseph, Joseph Mowchan; Wise Men, William. MyhaJyk, Nich-las Dubiak, Peter Dekaschak; shepherds, Ellis Mowchan, Metro Tupichak, John Obuhanych, Michael Obuhanych, Cosma Mowchan, Peter PlaTKo; Chorus of Angels, Mildred Mowchan, Ann Dekoschak. Mary Obuhanych, Anna Mowchan, Mary ls-oweki.

Christine Dekoschak, Olga Platko, Anna Wisowski, Mrs. Theodore Schiefen and Julia Obuhanych. The entire production will be given in the Russian language. After the program gifts will be distributed to the children of the parish. 4 Regularly up to $27.50.

9x12 size Velvet Rugs, with a world of wear in them; assorted patterns. Tomorrow special Elmira 131 N. Main St. Dial 6259 II fctSTIONAL leadership Class of the Sell ool of Religious Education will hold a novel party lv for members Friday at 8 P- m. at the Lake Street Presbyterian Church.

Members of the class shown in the picture are, from the left: ulia Jackson. Thelma Benson, Mrs. C. E. Whitmore, Mrs Viewiff, Clara Belle Raplee, Mrs.

Kath erine Kinkade, R. Waive Daley, class teacher; Mrs Iva Rockwell, Edgar Schofield, the Rev. E. Eugene Van Deventer, Lorena English, Fauline Howland and Mrs. Helen Murphy..

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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